Posts Tagged ‘vitamins’

Vitamins – part 2

Monday, December 5th, 2011

Vitamins regulate a variety of essential bodily functions.  They are crucial in many of our metabolic processes so that we can benefit from the energy in our foods.  Vitamins are also very important in helping to build our bones, teeth, skin, blood and many other vital body tissues.

Vitamins are classified as either water soluble or fat soluble based on how they are absorbed and used by the body.

Following on from my last blog, this week we focus on the water soluble vitamins.

Water soluble (Vitamin C and all of the B vitamins): Water soluble vitamins are vitamins that our bodies do not  store. These vitamins dissolve in water when they are ingested, then go into the blood stream.

The body keeps what it needs at that time, and excess amounts are excreted in the urine. Since they can’t be stored, everybody needs a continuous supply of water soluble vitamins in order to stay healthy.

In this blog, we explain the why we need each water soluble vitamin and which foods are good sources of them.


Why do we need it?

Where do we find it?

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

It is an antioxidant, increases our immunity, and is important to help our uptake of iron. It is also used in the production of collagen, which we need for healthy skin, hair, and the cartilage in our joints.

Many fruit and vegetables especially kiwi and citrus fruits, cranberries, guava, peppers, broccoli, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts

(vitamin B1)

Important in the processing of carbohydrates to produce energy and other metabolism processes

Pork, wholegrain breads and brown rice, many fruits and vegetables, milk, cheese, eggs, fortified breakfast cereals.

(vitamin B2)

Keeps our skin and eyes healthy

Milk, eggs, fortified breakfast cereals, rice, mushrooms.

(vitamin B3)

Helps to process cholesterol, which should inhibit the likelihood of heart disease, as well as in the production of energy

Beef, pork, chicken, wheat flour, eggs, milk

Pantothenic Acid (vitamin B5)

Important in our metabolism processes, especially in the production of energy in cells.

Beef, chicken, potatoes, oats, tomatoes, liver, kidneys, eggs, broccoli, wholemeal bread, brown rice, some breakfast cereals

Vitamin B6

Important roles in the processing (metabolism) of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Fortified breakfast cereals, liver, pork, chicken, turkey, cod, wholemeal bread, brown rice, oatmeal, eggs, peanuts, some vegetables (potatoes, peppers, garlic), dried prunes and dried apricots

Folate, Folic Acid
(vitamin B9)

Important to ensure cell division works well, hence importance to pregnancy, where folate is also particularly crucial in the prevention of neural tube defects. Also important for red blood cell production .

Green vegetables (e.g. broccoli, spinach, sprouts, peas), fortified breakfast cereals, chick peas (humous), yeast extract (e.g. Marmite), brown rice, some fruit (oranges and bananas)

Vitamin B12

Similar to folate, as it is important to cell division, red blood cell production and also for functioning of nerves.

It originates in bacteria, yeast and microbes in soil. Plants can’t store it, so people get their B12 almost exclusively from meat, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, yeast extract (e.g. Marmite)

(vitamin B7)

Important in our metabolism processes

Liver, kidney, eggs, dried fruits (e.g. prunes, apricots)

Vitamins – part 1

Monday, November 21st, 2011

Vitamins regulate a variety of essential bodily functions.  They are crucial in many of our metabolic processes so that we can benefit from the energy in our foods.  Vitamins are also very important in helping to build our bones, teeth, skin, blood and many other vital body tissues.

Vitamins are classified as either water soluble or fat soluble based on how they are absorbed and used by the body.

This week we focus on the fat soluble vitamins. Join us in two weeks to learn more about water soluble vitamins.  

Fat Soluble (Vitamins A, D, E and K): Fat soluble vitamins are those that are normally stored in the body.

When these vitamins are ingested, they dissolve in fat. In a person with a healthy digestive system, the body uses what it needs at that time and stores the rest for future use.

In this blog, we explain the why we need each fat soluble vitamin and which foods are good sources of them.


Why do we need it?

Where do we find it?

Vitamin A

It is important in helping with the moisturisation of our skin and mucous membranes (lining of the nose, eyes, throat).

Vitamin A also helps with night vision.

It is an antioxidant, which means that it protects against the effects of “free radicals” (unstable compounds that can damage healthy body cells).

Vitamin A also increases our immunity.

It is stored in our liver, so the liver of other animals is a rich source of vitamin A.

The animal source is known as retinol, and is also found in eggs, oily fish (e.g. mackerel), butter and milk.

The main plant source of vitamin A is known as beta-carotene and is found in orange/red fruit and vegetables (e.g. carrot, sweet potato, red pepper).


Vitamin D

Regulates and improves the uptake of calcium and phosphate in our bodies for healthy bones and teeth.

Important for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to assist with the child’s bone development because babies can’t produce the vitamin D in their skin.

Sunlight (we make vitamin D in our skin), oily fish, liver, fortified products (e.g. breakfast cereal, margarine), eggs, baby milk formula.


Vitamin E

It helps to maintain our reproductive system, nerves and muscles.

Similar to vitamin A, vitamin E is also an antioxidant.

Nuts, seeds, plant oils (e.g. olive oil, corn oil), wheatgerm, some green leafy vegetables

Vitamin K

Important for helping our blood to clot properly (healing wounds) and in the formation of our bones and kidney tissues.

Green leafy vegetables (e.g. broccoli, spinach), vegetable oils, cereals. Small amounts in pork and cheese.